More server issues and bad links fixed
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Several more server issues where found which in turn caused the server to DoS’ing itself with disk-io. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, personal life has taken too much time simply.
Also, based on reports from some users, I’ve fixed several bad links in the iptables-tutorial and ipsysctl-tutorial documents. This was caused by an earlier move between servers.
If you find any other issues, let me know!
Guruplug arrived, sounds like a jet
The first few paragraphs here are rather harsh vs the Guruplug that I received, and yes, GlobalScale deserves some really bad critique for how this has been handled, but please read the final parts to get a full picture. In all honesty, sometimes I think I should just change name to “Grumpy Fart”.
I finally received the Guruplug Server Plus last week that I ordered 3 months ago. My first reaction is a big WTF on this machine. Apparently, they’ve had big troubles with overheating in the Guruplug, so badly so that a lot of units died from it. Someone over at GlobalScale Technologies had the absolutely idiotic idea to put a fan into the machine. It’s not just any fan, it’s a 2 cm maglev fan running at 3-4000 rpm, and no powermanagement whatsoever and it is directly hooked up to the power source inside the Guruplug, hence it will not be possible to vary the rpm, ever, without a hardware hack. Also, the fan is absolutely horribly placed as is evident from several pictures on the net (and by opening the machine, voiding the warranty) — it is placed with 80-90% of the back of the fan covered by a metal plate (the two gigabit ethernet interfaces), and when the machine is closed up as delivered, it has a big plastic plate (power source cover) covering the front of the fan, with less than 2 mm clearance. All this means is that it is incredibly noisy (easily 30-40dB, way louder than my core 2 quad machine with 8 gig ram and 4 fans in it, while in bootup and before the nvidia graphics card has gone into power management), and has close to no effect at all.
I bought this machine when there was no fan, and there wasn’t even talk of a fan or any mails to acknowledge this design change, so I was heavily inclined at sending the thing back for a refund, but I realized that with my normal luck, it would take several weeks to find a new machine matching my needs, and then another few months before receiving it. Because of this, I winded up simply ripping out the fan, and voiding the warranty. So far so good, and nothing bad has happened. The plug is still running approximately at the same temperature as before, but slightly higher, and I hope there will be no ill effects.
Second WTF when I finally got the machine started up was the installation — first off it is a really nice debian install, I was prepared to start straight off with the jtag interface and installing images and reinstalling etc etc, but there was a perfectly working machine there, straight off. Nice. I thought. Then came the wtf moment, the machine booted up and set an ip address for the uap0 interface (wifi access point interface) to My plan is to use it hooked up to a wired network via gigabit, so I went straight at it, added the eth0 interface to /etc/network/interfaces with a static ip, delete routes and ip’s for uap0 and it worked… for an hour or so, then it stopped working. Reboot, still not working, notice that uap0 is back at it’s old location and routes are back, but nothing in the bootup scripts. Finally find out they have a /etc/init.d/rc.local file point to a /root/, which in turn does a heap of stuff — including setting up network parameters etc, overriding the normal configuration parameters in a nonstandard way.
Personally, I find this type of “hacked” environments to be despicable. For a private system in your home, fine do whatever you wish, but when it is a public server at a company, or something that you sell to customers, you wind up with a product that the other admins and/or customers can not trust the setup of. Luckily, the whole system is at least included in installed .deb packages. The, together with the fact that there is no way of recovering if you do a simple screw up of the network setup without the JTAG interface is a major drawback imho.
So… that is the “bad” part of my experience so far. At this point I was rather underwhelmed, but I have been pleasantly surprised by the performance of the little bugger, and except for the startup scripts, it is rather nicely installed from what I have see so far. It would be interesting to gather up a complete list of the “hacks” they have performed to get it all together. The machine is currently able to do exactly what I set out to do, in less than a 2 days of configuration/fixing/fiddling about/etc. I didn’t manage to get the “auto connect” of my usb disk to work, but mount commands work and I didn’t really look at how it’s supposed to work (might be that you need to reboot machine etc). The idea with the machine on my part, is to set it up as a 24/7 machine, replacing my other machine doing this work, but at a lower power consumption. So far, the machine is running the following services for me:
- Dynamic DNS
- Samba and NFS filesharing
- Ssh network login server
- USB Disk/”NAS” function
- Bittorrent (transmission-daemon with transmission-remote on all other machines)
Additionally I hope to use it for the following as well:
- Printer server
- Zeroconf/avahi
- Firewall (possible use as a portable firewall?)
- Temperature sensors etc via GPIO?
- Bluetooth, still haven’t figured out what to do with this…
As you can see, the machine is very capable, and all at a very low power consumption of <5W compared to my old computer doing all this, running at 170W approximately. At current power costs, I am expecting to have made up the money I spent on the Guruplug within less than 9 months. Let’s just keep fingers crossed that the machine wont die of heat before that 🙂 .
In conclusion, I am really afraid to say anything but this, I can not really recommend this product, not unless you’re either ready to do some serious hacking, or you plan to run it in a garage or some such place. A wardrobe or closet is simply not enough, it sounds too much as it is. The idea and the thought behind the machine is great, I just wish the execution of it was as good.
Website downtime
Filed under:, General, Personal
As some people may have noticed, the servers was down for almost a week. This was due to several hardware problems at my host, which where very unfortunate. When I put up the new webpage a few weeks ago, we also moved the daemons/hosting to a new one running on a new machine. This machine has been misbehaving for several weeks, and we switched over to another identical machine to rule out hardware error. In the end, we managed to get it solved. Last week both servers where killed due to power fluctuations (I believe if I interpreted it correctly). As a replacement, two new machines where ordered in, and they where both DOA (Dead on arrival). On top of this, I was told they received a faulty 20x500gb harddrive batch a few months back, which has had a 50% failure rate so far.
All this being said, I want to also extend my gratitude to these people for hosting this site, and for the wonderful work they do in running it. In 7 years of hosting this domain/host, I have rarely had a single breakdown, and this is the first time any major problem has existed with the hosting. In short, the wonderful fellows in the Netherlands that keeps hosting this site has had a really rough week, and I really wish them the best of luck getting everything back in order. Until then, please be patient with the site if it’s down or something is not working correctly, or even better, throw a mail in my general direction.