3D printing

February 11, 2015 by
Filed under: 3D printing, Development, Hardware, Personal 

wpid-img_20150209_132426.jpgI started working at a new company a while back if I failed to mention it called Pelagicore, doing automotive in vehicle infotainment systems the right way with open source, working in the community etc. They have a 3D printer (Makerbot thing-o-matic) that’s been standing around for a while really grabbing my attention and I’ve wanted to find the time to use it since I started there. I finally took the time and am happy as a clam.

I made my first 3D print at work two days ago, first of three pieces for a BabyNES Raspberry Pi 2 case (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:449877), a small hatch. When I went on and tried building the two larger pieces I ran into troubles. Running out of time that day, I got around to try and fix it today. Disassembled the extruder stepper motor and realized a screw had dislocated from the vibrations. Re-screw it and assemble everything again, and this time, it worked! Got top and bottom parts done before leaving for home today and am fairly happy. They will do.wpid-img_20150211_163900.jpg

The print quality is pretty shoddy, a lot of settings needs to be tuned I guess, and the print speed was probably too high for the unit. Judging by the software installed, I should probably install newer software and redo the calibrations using those instead. Still, awesome to work with this 🙂



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