Saleae16 Logic16 100M 16 Channel Logic Analyzer
I got a clone of the Saleae16 Logic16 100M 16 Channel Logic Analyzer a few days ago to test some of the arduino stuff I’ve been working on for the last few months.
I was at first really annoyed because the software simply refused to work, I tried it on 4 different computers, ubuntu 13.10 64bit, Windows 7 32bit and 64 bit and same error for all of them, logic too slow for speed, try reducing blah something. My searches came up with very little info.
So in the end I found the sigrok package and compiled myself (old version in Ubuntu lacked saleae support) and was pleasantly surprised! It works and actually seemed to be an OK package! There are a few things to do before that which wasn’t obvious, you need to extract firmware from the Saleae software suite and so on for example. Also there are a few bugs in the graphical interface that I found so far. I’ll try to get them reported ASAP and possibly do some work on them. I’ll get back to this topic a bit later as it wasn’t completely obvious how to get it running at all points, for now however, it works;).